Nothing like sinking your teeth into a tasty caramel

October 22, 2023

You may have heard about the elderly couple who went to the movies, loaded up with goodies at the concession booth, and settled into their places.

Next thing you know, that husband was down on the floor searching for something under his seat.

“What are you doing down there,” his wife asked.

“A caramel fell out of my mouth, and I can’t find it,” he replied.

“Well, forget about it,” his wife said. “It’s probably covered in dirt by now anyway.”

“But I have to find it,” he said. “My teeth are stuck to it.”

In my opinion, there’s nothing tastier than caramels, especially those little square ones. But they’re certainly sticky. The three-second rule doesn’t apply if one of those things falls out of your mouth. Every particle of dust, dirt or sand it touches immediately sticks to it. And, try as you might, you won’t be able to blow that stuff off a half-chewed caramel.

Stuff sticks to people like that, too — good stuff and bad. Proverbs 13:20 tells us, “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”

We’ve all seen how true that is. It really matters who we spend time with.

So many people have played a part in making me who I am, for better or worse.

The boys I grew up with had a big impact. Folks I went to college with did too, as did people I’ve worked with over the years. All helped to shape me in one way or another.

It’s important that we spend time with people who have qualities that could serve us well, because those qualities do tend to stick.

And we need to steer clear of people whose qualities are, well, not qualities at all. That stuff will stick to us, too.

William Gladstone, a British prime minister of the 1800s, offered this sage advice in his day: “Choose wisely your companions, for a young man’s companions, more than his food or clothes, his home or his parents, make him what he is.”

That still holds true today.

Our companions’ traits will stick to us like caramel to a set of dentures.


Reach Roger Alford at (502) 514-6857 or

phil malicote
Debbie Warford