Madison County Schools make gains in state assessment

The Kentucky Department of Education released the state’s spring assessment this morning. This year’s assessment data is being reported in the state’s color-coded, overall rating system for each school, district and the state, ranging from red (lowest) to blue (highest). This year’s data is the second year of reporting in this new system. The second year of this system introduces change in the calculation of the overall scores, including the impact of growth or decline in the state indicators.
“The results of this year’s spring assessments give us a snapshot of the progress we are continuing to make as we move away from the stress of the pandemic,” said Superintendent David Gilliam. “This data shows us the growth that is happening as well as the areas where we need some additional focus and support.”
The color-coded system is meant to be more “user friendly” than systems of years past. Schools and districts are assigned a color based on performance:
• Red – very low performance
• Orange – low performance
• Yellow – medium performance
• Green – high performance
• Blue – very high performance
Almost all Madison County Schools scored above the state average at their level. As a group, the elementary schools and middle schools received a green rating and the two high schools received a yellow rating. Last year, the district’s elementary schools received a yellow rating and the middle and high schools received a green rating.
“We have seen so many gains this year across our district, which indicates the amount of work our students and staff did last year,” Gilliam said. “There are areas of large gains and there are some areas where we need to improve, but overall we are very pleased with the results of the state assessments.”
Here’s how Madison County schools performed according to the color system (previous year’s scores are included for reference)::
Blue rating
Boonesborough Elementary – 91.7 (62.1)
Farristown Middle – 84.1 (76.7)
B. Michael Caudill Middle – 80.7 (72.7)
Green rating
District – Elementary Schools – 74.4 (65.1)
District – Middle Schools – 67.1 (63.3)
Kingston Elementary – 80.3 (66.4)
Kirksville Elementary – 79 (71.7)
Glenn Marshall Elementary – 76.5 (71.1)
Kit Carson Elementary – 75.1 (65.6)
Shannon Johnson Elementary – 73.8 (73.8)
Daniel Boone Elementary – 72.4 (59.1)
Waco Elementary – 70.9 (61.2)
Foley Middle – 74.5 (68.2)
Clark-Moores Middle – 66.9 (58.0)
Madison Southern High – 76.9 (76.4)
Yellow rating
District – High Schools – 67.4 (69.0)
Silver Creek Elementary – 68.7 (59.2)
Madison Middle – 52.7 (57.7)
Madison Central High – 66.3 (65.1)
Orange rating
White Hall Elementary – 50.6 (72.2)
The state averages for the spring assessment were:
Elementary school level – 74.4 (59.0)
Middle school level – 67.1 (53.2)
High school level – 67.4 (59.5)
Madison Kindergarten Academy does not participate in assessment as part of the state’s accountability program.
For additional information about the state’s assessment system and the spring scores, please visit the Kentucky Department of Education website at
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