Meet the Berea City Council Candidates : Part IV

October 31, 2024

Ronnie Terrill
I am a lifelong resident of Berea who worked 38 years for IBM and Lexmark.  I am currently retired and doing a little farming.  I have served 7 terms on Berea City Council and 8 years on the Berea Planning and Zoning Commission.  I was also a volunteer fireman and have worked with numerous youth boards and clubs while raising my two sons.
I want to continue to work for ALL citizens of Berea.  In my 7 terms on the Berea City Council, I have provided a conservative voice for ALL to ensure we, as a city, don’t waste tax payers dollars.  I will continue to be conservative voice.
I think the role of city Government is to maintain, update, and repair city facilities, promote economic development, and provide public safety services (fire/police). We should provide all of these things with a balanced budget, keeping in mind that they are spending the Citizens dollars.
Cora Jane Wilson
I’m married to Terry Wilson, we have two children Teri Catherine & Todd (Heather) and five grandchildren Kalyn, Todreana, Allie, Eli, and Emma.
I am a lifelong Berean. My family lived in the Glade before John G. Fee came to the area. I am a Christian and will always stand for what is right. I’m also retired from the City of Berea and a third generation business owner. Berea is my hometown and I care about the city and its citizens. I was elected in 2015 and have served four terms will help meet that need.
The role of Berea City Government should be to serve and meet the needs of its citizens.
We need to be more business friendly. I believe the current administration is going in the right direction to accomplish this goal.
The taxpayers of Berea are the most underrated and valuable asset we have. 
We need to listen to their ideas and suggestions. Fresh ideas are good.
Teresa Wren
My name is Teresa Wren and I am a lifelong resident of Madison County. I am a School Bus Driver for Madison County Schools,  and have been with Madison County Schools for the last 15 years.  A little fact about me is I was born at Berea Hospital in 1983 by the mayor at the time, Dr. Clifford Kerby, M.D. I am running for City Council because I care and love our little town.
I am running for office for the future of our youth. This is my second time running. I came close in the first election but didn’t get in.
The biggest issue in Berea is that our youth that aren’t in sports haven’t got any place to go and safely hang out with their friends. We need a Community Center for our residents.  Also another issue is traffic flow in certain areas around Berea and Madison County. Not sure of that solution at the moment but plan on looking into it if I get elected. 
The biggest role of our government is to listen to the people of Madison County with their needs and wants and finding a middle ground to help the citizens grow together as a well-rounded community. 

Lakes Funeral Home
Debbie Warford